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Why should someone with a recorded history of violence be able

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The Nuvectra Expenses incurred by Nuvectra in the conduct of the Nuvectra Activities shall be paid by Aleva subject to, and in accordance with, the provisions of this Section 2.4. Within five (5) calendar days following the end of each month Nuvectra shall submit an invoice to Aleva for those Nuvectra Expenses it incurred during such calendar month to Section 2.2 and set out in the Monthly Progress Report pursuant to Section 2.3. Aleva shall pay this invoice within five (5) days of receipt; provided that Aleva shall have no obligation to reimburse any Nuvectra Expenses (i) in excess of the corresponding amount budgeted in the Project Plan; or (ii) related to any Nuvectra Deliverable that has not been accepted pursuant to Section 2.2.

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